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Inventory Accounting Data Audit Report




 DATE    2/06/96                              ANDERSON CONSULTING APPLICATIONS, INC.                                     PAGE    1

 TIME   15:21:27

 REPORT IA060A                                                                            REQUESTOR MURRAY

                                                        IA DATA AUDIT REPORT

      REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY              KEYS           MESSAGE

 ----------------------------------        ---------      ------------------------------------------------------

 023  CURRENT ACCT PERIODS                 222            MPW2292 Record not found.  Co/Loc in Whs Desc File only

 132  LOCATION DEFAULTS                    222            MPW2292 Record not found.  Co/Loc in Whs Desc File only

 136  NEXT JOURNAL NUMBER                  222     IA     MPW2292 Record not found.  Co/Loc in Whs Desc File only

                                                        ** END OF REPORT **


The Inventory Accounting Data Audit report will display missing Reference File information that can cause IA period end programs to abort.  This report will either be called during IA period end processing from IA050E or can be requested directly from the IA menu through the Data Audit Request screen.  If there is any missing information, it will produce a report indicating what the error information is.  If it occurs during IA period end processing, it will then return an error flag that will indicate to IA050E that IA period end processing should end without further processing.  This report is produced by the IA Data Audit program, IA060E.  If the report is requested separately from the IA menu and if there is no information missing, the report will still be printed with a message indicating no information was missing for IA period end processing.

Report Sequence
