Payment Term BC Description 5 PAYMENTS AT EOM
Total Number of Installments 5 Default Payment Type CK
Discount Percent .000 Installment Shift 10
Discount Days 0
Due Days 0
After End of Month N
Accumulated Installments 5 100.00 Renumber by: 0
Seq Num Inst Pmt Type Days Percent
10 1 CK 30 40.00
20 2 CK 30 40.00
30 2 CK 30 20.00
40 0 0 .00
50 0 0 .00
60 0 0 .00
F2=Command F3=Exit F4=Prompt F10=Function Select
F18=Renumber F22=End Tran
The Payment Terms Maintenance Detail screen allows you to maintain the detail information associated with a payment terms code. You may define installments for payment terms code on this screen. However, if you define installments, you may not specify values for the Discount Percent, Discount Days, Due Days, and After End of Month fields. Also, the Total Number of Installments field must be greater than one.
Display only. This is the two-byte code identifying the payment term that you are maintaining.
Required. This field is a twenty-byte description of the payment term code, and cannot be blank. You should enter a description to identify the payment term.
Required. This field must contain the number of installments you wish to define for the payment term. If you are not defining installments for the payment term, the value must be zero. If you are defining installments, the number must be greater than one.
Optional. You may specify the default payment type code that will be used on all order processing and invoice entry documents that use this payment term. If you are defining installments, this field will be used as the default payment type for each installment.
Optional. This percentage is used to determine the discount amount. The total of all open amounts subject to discount is multiplied by this percentage to determine the discount amount. This field must be zero if you define installments for the payment term.
Optional. You may enter a two-digit number corresponding to the day of the month on which you want the installment to be due. For example, if you want each installment to be due on the tenth of each month, you would enter a '10' in this field. This field must be blank if you are NOT defining installments for the payment term.
Optional. You may enter the number of days beyond the invoice date during which a discount may be taken. This field must be zero if you define installments for the payment term.
Optional. You may specify a number of days in this field that will be used in conjunction with the After End of Month flag to calculate the due date. If you define installments for the payment term, this field must be zero.
Optional. You may enter a Y (yes) or N (no) in this field to indicate how you wish the due date to be calculated.
If you enter Y, the due date will be the following month on the date specified in the Due Days field. For example, if you enter a Y and the Due Days field is 15, the due date will be on the 15th of the following month.
If you enter N, the due date will be document date plus the number specified in the Due Days field. For example, if you enter a N and the Due Days field is 15, the due date will be the document date plus 15 days.
Display only. This field displays the total number of installments defined for each sequence number in the payment term. The number of Accumulated Installments must equal the Total Number of Installments specified in the header section of this screen.
The total percentage defined for each sequence number is also displayed next to the accumulated installments. When installments are defined, the total percentage must be equal to 100.
Optional. You may enter a number in this field to be used as a multiplier for renumbering the sequence numbers in the subfile. For instance, a 20 entered in this field would renumber each sequence line by 20 beginning with 20 as the first sequence number. The sequence numbers are updated when the transaction is ended.
Optional. Use this field to sequence the order of the detailed installment lines defined for the payment term. If left blank, this field will be numbered based on the value in the Renumber By field.
Required (if defining installments on the line). Enter the number of installments to be defined using the payment type, days, and percent specified on the detail line.
Optional. You may enter a payment type for the installments in this field. If you do not enter a payment type, the default payment type from the header will be used. If the default payment type was not defined, the field will remain blank.
Required (defaults to zero). You may enter the number of days between each installment.
Required. Enter the percentage of the total invoice to be paid by the installments created from this detail line. The total percentage for all of the detail lines must be equal to 100.
Enter - Process data entered on the screen.
F2 - Display a window where a fast path option or mnemonic can be entered. Fast path allows the next menu selection to be made directly from this screen. When the window is displayed, pressing F3 will remove it.
F3 - Exit program without processing the entered data.
F4 - Display a list of values for the field where the cursor is positioned. If you select one of the items from the list, it will be returned to the application screen.
F10 - Return to the Function Select screen without processing the entered data.
F18 - Renumber the subfile records by the amount specified in the Renumber By field.
F22 - Post the transaction.