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AR300S01 - Function Select



WILLIAMS                   CREDIT MANAGEMENT REPORTS                   2/24/97

 DSP01                         SELECTION CRITERIA                              


 Reports    Aged Accounts Receivable                                           

            Credit Exceptions                                                  

            Customer Statements         X      Generate Finance Charge         



 Required   Aging As Of Date             22797                                 

            Level Of Detail             D                                      



 Optional   Credit Mgr                                                         

            From Statement Cycle                                               

            Through Statement Cycle                                            

            Customer Number             ACE         001 BRU                    

            Minimum Amount Overdue                    .00                      

            Minimum Days Overdue          0                                    

            Minimum Amount Over Limit                 .00                      

            Use Cust Credit Check Type                                         

            Customer Name/Number Seq                                           

 F2=Command          F4=Prompt           F13=Cancel Tran                       




This screen is used to select the Aged Accounts Receivable, Credit Exception, or the Customer Statements reports to be printed and to furnish criteria for determining which records to report.


Optional.  Enter X to select the Aged Accounts Receivable Report.  This report provides, for each customer, the amount due in each aging category.  If the detail report is requested, then each open item is listed with its amount due in the appropriate aging category.  The report is sequenced by credit manager, statement cycle, customer, accounting date, and document number.


Optional. Enter X to select the Credit Exceptions report.  This report lists, by credit manager and statement cycle, all customers who have overdue accounts receivable balances or who have exceeded their credit limits.  The report is sequenced by credit manager, statement cycle, and customer number.


Optional.  Enter X to select the Customer Statements Report.  This report provides a list of open item charges and credits for a customer.  The Customer Statements are printed on a balance forward and open item basis through a customer level option.  Both balance forward and open item basis reports can be printed at a summary or detail level.


Optional.  If you enter N, no finance charge will be generated.  You might choose this option if you need to reprint customer statements after finance charges have been generated.  This will prevent finance charges from being generated a second time for the period.  If you enter Y, a finance charge will be generated, if appropriate for process customers.  You might choose this option when you are printing the official credit management reports.  If you do not enter Y or N, the system will default to Y and a finance charge will be generated.


Required.  Enter the date from which to age open items.  If the Print Future Invoices flag on Reference File category P43 is set to Y, all open items will be included on the customer statement.  If the print future invoice flag is set to N, open items considered to be in the future will not be printed.


Required.  Enter a code to define the level of detail for the credit management reports. The valid codes are:

D - Print all information in detail.

S - Print only summary information.

A - Perform aging only.  Do not print any reports.


Optional.  Enter a credit manager code to start printing the credit management reports of a specific credit manager's customers.  If this field is left blank, the credit management reports are produced for all credit managers.  Valid codes are defined on Reference File category 313.


Optional.  Enter a statement cycle number to start printing the credit management reports with a specific statement cycle's customers within each credit manager being processed.  If this field is left blank, the reports start with the first available cycle within each credit manager being processed.  If the statement cycle is '00' or blank, all statement cycles will be processed.


Optional.  Enter a statement cycle number to stop printing the credit management reports after a specific statement cycle's customers within each credit manager being processed.  If the field is left blanks, the reports will stop printing after the last available statement cycle within each credit manager being processed.


Optional and valid only if the Aged Accounts Receivable option is selected.  Must be left blank if the Aged Accounts Receivable option is not selected.  By entering this field, you can run aging for a specific customer only.  In addition, if only customer aging is selected, neither the credit manager or statement cycles can be selected with the customer number.  Depending on the Currency Level option setup on Reference File category 133, the company and/or location may be required with the customer number.  If entered, the customer number will be validated on the Customer Master file.


Required.  Enter the company and location responsible for the customer.  This field is displayed only if customers are defined at the company or the company/location level.  (The customer/currency level is specified on Reference File category 133.)  The company/location must exist on the Reference File category 002.


Optional.  This field is used to select, for printing on the Credit Exceptions Report, all customers whose aged-past due balance equals or exceeds this minimum amount overdue within each credit manger and statement cycle being processed.  If this field is left blank, all customers whose aged-past due balance exceeds zero within each credit manager and statement cycle being processed, are printed on the Credit Exception Report.


Optional.  This field is used to select, for printing on the Credit Exceptions Report, all the customers whose aged-past due dates equal or exceed the minimum days overdue stated, within each credit manager and statement cycle being processed.  If this field is left blank, all customers whose aged-past due balances exceed zero days within each credit manager and statement cycle being processed, are printed on the Credit Exceptions Report.


Optional.  This field is used to select, for printing on the Credit Exceptions Report, all customers whose accounts receivable balance exceeds their credit limit by at least the minimum amount over limit, within each credit manager and statement cycle being processed.  If this field is left blank, all customers whose account receivable balance exceeds their credit limit, within each credit manager and statement cycle being processed, are printed on the Credit Exceptions Report.


Optional.  Defaults to N when blank.  Valid values are:

Y - Customer Credit Check Type is used to check credit. Only valid when Credit Exceptions selected.

N - Customer Credit Check Type is not used to check credit.


Required.  Specifies whether the aging report should be printed in customer name or customer number sequence.  Valid values are:

C - Print report in customer name sequence

N - Print report in customer number sequence


Enter - Validate screen and process report requests, if F2 has not been pressed.  Transfer control to fast path called program, if F2 has been pressed.

F2    - Display a window where a fast path option or mnemonic can be entered.  Fast path allows the next menu selection to be made directly from this screen.  When the window is displayed, pressing F3 will remove it.

F4    - Display a list of values for the field where the cursor is positioned.  If you select one of the items from the list, it will be returned to the application screen.

F13  -  Cancel report requests and display the ARMENU.