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Accounts Receivable Balance by Account



 DATE    1/02/95                                ANDERSEN CONSULTING APPLICATIONS, INC                                    PAGE     1

 TIME   16:58:23                                   ANDERSEN APPLICATIONS - BRUSSELS                                      CO     001

 REPORT AR545A                                          AR BALANCE BY ACCOUNT                                            LOC    BRU

                                                   PERIOD FROM 10/94 THROUGH 11/94                                                 

 BASE CURRENCY   BEF BELGIAN FRANCS                                                                           REQUESTOR  JKL       

 ACCOUNT    1110       CASH                                                                                                        

  CUSTOMER            CUSTOMER NAME            BEGINNING BALANCE         DEBIT                CREDIT           ENDING BALANCE      

 -----------  ------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------   

 C01          ANDERSEN MANUFACTURING           37.993.926.246,00            100.000,00                 0,00   37.994.026.246,00    

 C02          APPLE SA                                 15.093,00                  0,00                 0,00           15.093,00    

 C03          SPRINT SC                                 1.117,00                  0,00                 0,00            1.117,00    

 EDCUST       ANDERSEN MANUFACTURING                        0,00              1.417,00                 0,00            1.417,00    

 J1           J1                                            0,00                  0,00                 0,00                0,00    

 J2           J2                                            0,00                  0,00                 0,00                0,00    

 MBCTEST1     MBC TEST CUSTOMER 1                           0,00                 46,00               290,00              244,00-   

              DEBIT TOTAL                      37.993.942.456,00                                              37.994.043.873,00    

              CREDIT TOTAL                                  0,00                                                         244,00-   

              ACCOUNT    1110       TOTAL      37.993.942.456,00            101.463,00               290,00   37.994.043.629,00

                                                        **  END OF REPORT   **


This report will display the beginning balance, debit, credit and ending balance for selected accounts within a specified range of periods.  One line will be printed for a customer within an account.

Report Sequence

Company, Location, Account, Customer.

Control Totals

Totals will be given at account and company/location levels.