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SSD Transaction Maintenance
SSD Transaction Maintenance
An SSD Transaction Maintenance Conversation allows you to modify all SSD transactions previously extracted by the ESL/SSD Batch Processing and to cope with exceptions (like ESL/SSD exclusion cases) or country specific laws. The conversation handles the following processing:
· Displays all transactions previously extracted and not final reported based on a range of criteria such as company/location, period, customer/vendor, transactions in error, acquisitions, dispatches, etc.
· Allows you to select transactions that need to be modified or excluded
· Allows you to include additional SSD transactions in additional to those already extracted
On the Function Select screen, you can select transactions for either a specific customer or a specific vendor. If you don’t chose this option, then you can select transactions for a specific item instead. You will also have the option to display the following :
· Transactions Excluded Only
· Transactions in error only
· Acquisitions/Dispatches
The possible combinations of these three option fields are:
Transaction Excluded Only
Transaction In Error Only
A or D
Combinations for Three Option Fields on the SSD Transaction Maintenance
To modify a previously extracted transaction, you can select a number of transactions for a given period, either by specifying a customer, vendor, or warehouse/part number.
If any transactions are entered in error, you will be able to correct them by selecting them on the List screen. They will be highlighted and marked with the error type: ‘W’ for warning or ‘C’ for critical.
You can also modify transactions that weren’t in error by also selecting them from the List screen.
To add a transaction to the list of transactions that were already extracted, press F9 - Entry from the Function Select screen. The Detail screen will be displayed allowing you to enter the necessary information for the transaction.