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GA217S11 - VDA Message Maintenance - 511 Segment



 WILLIAMS                           SYNCHRO                             7/08/96

 DSP01                        MESSAGES MAINTENANCE                       DETAIL


 Sender EDI No        1931458                                                  



 (51101) Record Type          511                                              

 (51102) Version              01                                               

 (51103) Customer Number                                                       

 (51104) Vendor Number        1931458                                          

 (51105) Transmiss. No. Old   00467                                            

 (51106) Transmiss. No. New   00468                                            

 (51107) Transmission Date    960510                                           

 (51108) Synchroniz. Date                                                       








 F3=Exit             F8=List                                 F12=Summary       

                     F22=End Transaction                                       



Segment 511 contains delivery request transmission dates.  This segment is mandatory and identifies the VDA message.


Display only.  The electronic address of the issuer of this delivery request.


Display only.  Displayed only if the segment contains an error.

TAG 51101

Required.  Three-character code identifying the type of segment being displayed.

TAG 51102

Required.  Indicates the version of the VDA record.

TAG 51103

Required.  The bill-to/ship-to customer EDI number to which goods are being shipped.

TAG 51104

Required.  The EDI number used by the vendor to identify the item.

TAG 51105

Required.  The last transmission number assigned by the system.

TAG 51106

Required.  The transmission number that has been newly created by the system.

TAG 51107

Optional.  The date on which the new transmission number was created.

TAG 51108

Required.  The reference date on which the customer calculates the synchronization data (cumulative quantities received and expected, delivery advance/backorder).


F3   - Exits this screen without validating or updating entered data.

F8   - Returns to the list of messages without updating this specific message.

F12  - Returns to the VDA Message Maintenance Header screen.

F22  - Validates and updates the entered data.