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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference Library > Distribution > Synchro > Screens > VDA Message > GA217S03 - Header

GA217S03 - Header



 WILLIAMS                           SYNCHRO                             7/08/96

 DSP01                        VDA MESSAGES MAINTENANCE                   HEADER


 Sender EDI No        1931458                                                  



 Rec Type                      Message Data                                    

 Error Code                    Error Message                    Error   Select 

 511          51101         1931458  0046700468960510             N            

 512          51201002021005872960510020980575960504W903068       Y            

 512          51201005021005872960510020980575960504W903068       Y            

 513          513019605100700010196050200000240000000000619       Y            

 513          513019605100703490296050800000030000000000258       Y            

 514          514019606100000025209606170000025809606240000       Y            

 514          514019611000000064749612000000037859701000000       Y            

 514          514019606100000014409606170000013209606240000       Y            

 514          514019611000000048579612000000037059701000000       Y            

 517          51701KLT3214                                        Y            

 517          51701KLT4314                                        Y            

 519          519010000001000000200000020000004000000200000       Y            


 F3=Exit             F5=Detail           F6=Fold/Truncate    F8=List           

 F10=Function Select                     F16=Search Error                       



The VDA Maintenance Header screen displays the list of segments for the message selected on the List screen.

The segments in error are highlighted, and you can display the segment detail and change it if necessary.


Display only.  Indicates the electronic address of the issuer of this delivery request.


Display only.  Indicates the type of the displayed segment.  This field appears highlighted if a critical message has been detected by the system during acquisition.


Display only (press F6).  Displays the code of the error message (warning or critical) which may be assigned to the segment through the acquisition.


Display only.  Indicates the message by the date/time of first acquisition and the sequential number.


Display only (press F6).  Displays the error message text (warning or critical) which may be assigned to the segment through the acquisition.


Display only.  This flag is 'Y' when a segment contains an error (warning or critical) detected in acquisition.  The 'Y' corresponds to the highlighted record type.


Optional.  Enter an 'X' to select a segment and display its detail information.


F3    - Exits this screen without validating or updating entered data.

F5    - Allows access to a selected segment to display or change its data.

F6    - Display the error messages assigned to the segment.

F8    - Returns to the list of messages without updating the message.

F10   - Returns to the Function Select screen without updating the data.

F16   - Moves cursor to the Select field corresponding to the segment (record) type in error.