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GA215S03 - Header



WILLIAMS                           SYNCHRO                             3/10/93

 DSP01                        MESSAGES MAINTENANCE                       HEADER


 Sender EDI No        42910719                                                 

 Message ID           910625203506000006                                       

 Version              930310163657     Original Version  930309151057          

    Type/                      Description/                                     

 Error-Code                    Error Message                    Error    Sel   

 MID --- ---  00191488910109036 930301                            N            

 SDT --- ---  SYNCHRO-01                                          N            

 BDT --- ---  EDI1234567890    REAUTOM S.A.                       N            

 CSG --- ---  EDI1234567890     PDL01                             N            

 --- ARD ---  CC159875300000001 CA REAUTOM RS4B LIGIER            N            

 --- --- SAD  1 00041711          P.BOITTIN                       N            

 --- --- DST  910109 -00000010000          100       891215       N            

 --- --- PDN  00100501                   000 000100900409         Y            

 --- --- DEL  930302  930307  000011500000  2                     Y            

 --- ARD ---  CC159875300000001 EA RS-4C                          Y            

 --- --- SAD  1 00041711          P BOITTIN                       N            

 --- --- DST  910109 000000035000 00000350          891215        N           +


 F3=Exit             F5=Detail           F6=Fold/Truncate    F8=Return to List 

 F12=Search Error    F20=Simulation      F22=End Trans       F24=More Keys     




The DELINS/VDA Maintenance Header Screen (GA215S03) displays the list of segments for the message you selected on the list screen.

The segments in error are highlighted, and you can display the segment detail and change it if necessary.  You can also initiate the acquisition simulation process to check the corrections.


Display only.  Displays the EDI number of the customer who issued this delivery request.


Display only.  Indicates the message by the date/time of first acquisition and the six-digit sequential number.


Display only.  Indicates the version (date/time) temporarily assigned to the message during the course of the transaction.  This number will replace the original version number if a change is recorded and validated for the message.


Display only.  Indicates the message version number (date/time) prior to the message being changed.  This number will be replaced by the new version number if a change is recorded and validated.


Display only.  Indicates the type of the displayed segment.  This field is intended according to the hierarchical level of the segment within the message.  This field appears highlighted if a critical message has been detected by the system during acquisition or simulation.


Display only (press F6).  Displays the code of the error message (warning or critical) which may be assigned to the segment through the acquisition or simulation process.


Display only.  Displays a partial description of each segment.  To display or change this data, you must access the segment details.


Display only (press F5).  Displays the error message text (warning or critical) that may be assigned to the segment.


Display only.  This flag is 'Y' when a segment contains a error (warning or critical), detected in acquisition or simulation.


Optional.  Enter an 'X' to select a segment and display its detail information.


F3    - Exits this screen without validating or updating entered data.

F5    - Allows access to a selected segment to display or change its data.

F6    - Displays the error messages assigned to the segment.

F8    - Returns to the list of messages without updating the message being changed.

F10   - Return to the Function Select screen without updating the data.

F12   - Allows to search for the next segment with a critical error.

F15   - Nullifies user entries, retrieves the original data, if any, and allows for re-entry.

F20   - Allows you to initiate the acquisition simulation process for the message, if the Partial DELINS/ VDA Acquisition flag on category G26 is 'N'.

F22   - Validates the changes and returns to the list of messages.

F24   - Allows you to display the additional conversation control keys on the screen.