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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference Library > Distribution > Synchro > Screens > Label > GA160S01 - Function Select

GA160S01 - Function Select



 WILLIAMS        CO  001            SYNCHRO                             7/08/96

 DSP01           WHS BEL      LABEL MAINTENANCE                          SELECT





             Proposal No                                                       

             Shipping List No                                                  


             Item No                                                           

             Customer Item No                                                   


             Label Type                                                        


             Control Quantity-SKU                                              


             Revision Lvl                                                      


             Point of use                                                      



 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F4=Prompt           F15=Rekey Data    

 F17=New Co/Whs                                                                



Labels generated through the Synchro module identify the contents of a shipment, or an item in inventory waiting to be shipped.  Different information is printed on the label depending on the type of label you create.  The Synchro module supports five types of labels, each corresponding to the GALIA standard.  These are:

1 - Packaging unit label (PU).  This label corresponds to the unit in which an item is packaged after manufacturing.  For example, if you package bolts in boxes of 100, the packaging unit for the bolts is a box.  Packaging unit labels will be applied to boxes of bolts, with 100 items inside.

2 - Main handling unit.  This label corresponds to the method in which you handle and ship an item.  You may package bolts in boxes of 100, but handle and ship by pallets.  In this case, the main handling unit for the bolts is a pallet.  Main handling unit labels will be applied to pallets of bolts.

3 - Simplified handling unit.  Simplified handling unit labels incorporate both packaging and handling unit labels in one.  For example, if you are manufacturing items that are packaged and handled in the same unit, you can use one simplified handling unit label instead of a packaging unit label AND a main handling unit label.

4 - Mixed handling unit labels.  A mixed handling unit label corresponds to a shipment containing different items.  For example, if a delivery request made by a customer requires that you ship several different items at the same time, you can use a mixed handling unit label associated with all of the different items included in the shipment.

5 - Simplified packaging unit label (PU).  In VDA mode, you cannot create this label type.  This label corresponds to the label stapled on the packaging of small items.  It is used to replace the type 1 which label size is too large for small items.


Display only.  Displays the company/warehouse from which the items corresponding to these labels will be shipped.


Required.  Enter the number of the shipping proposal corresponding to the shipping list in which these labels are associated.  If you are creating packaging unit labels for end-of-assembly line items, which are not associated to a shipping proposal yet, you do not have to enter a number in this field.  A shipping proposal will be automatically generated upon label creation.


In ODETTE mode, this field must be left blank.  In VDA mode, this field is optional.  Default value comes from the next available shipping list number of the specified proposal number. 


Required if the Customer Reference field is blank.  Enter the MAC-PAC item number to which these labels correspond.  This number must exist on the Part Master File (DE100M).


Required if the ITEM NUMBER field is left blank.  Enter the number your customer uses to identify the item corresponding to the labels you are creating.  This customer number is associated with the MAC-PAC item number through the Endorsement Maintenance conversation.  This is not a MAC-PAC number.


Required.  Enter the type of label you are creating.  Can be:

1 - Packaging unit label;

2 - Main handling unit label;

3 - Simplified handling unit label;

4 - Mixed handling unit label.

5 - Simplified packaging unit label for small items.  Cannot be used in VDA mode.


Optional.  Enter the item quantity for which you wish to generate labels.  Defaults to the item quantity stated on the shipping proposal.


Optional.  Indicates the customer's item revision level.


Optional.  Allows you to specify where the items entered on the label will be consumed on the customer's site.


Enter - Validates the entered data.

F2    - Display a window where a fast path option or mnemonic can be entered.  Fast path allows the next menu selection to be made directly from this screen.  When the window is displayed, pressing F3 will remove it.

F3    - Allows the user to exit the screen without updating the entered data.

F4    - Display a list of values for the field where the cursor is positioned.  If you select one of the items from the list, it will be returned to the application screen.

F15   - Nullifies user entries, retrieves the original data, if any, and allows reentry of data.

F17   - Allows to change the shipping company/site data.