Ship-to Customer ACME ACME Co 001 Loc BRU
Maintenance Code 1
1 - Add
2 - Change
3 - Delete
F2=Command F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Inquiry
This conversation allows you to maintain overall delivery conditions for each bill-to/ship-to customer combination in your system. The Delivery Conditions Maintenance Function Select Screen (GA105S01) allows you to select the customer combination whose conditions you wish to maintain. You can choose to add, change, or delete customer conditions.
The delivery conditions tied to a customer include weekly splitting rules and the exception dates in which the customer's delivery points are closed, or do not require deliveries of a particular item. When the Synchro daily batch is executed, the system takes into account the changes applied to a customer's delivery conditions in the next splitting/offsetting process. During the Synchro daily batch, depending on the modified endorsement, the system also regenerates the offset releases attached to an item/delivery point link.
You cannot delete customer delivery conditions if an item/delivery point relationship for this customer exists on the Endorsements File.
Required. The customer who will be billed for any shipments made for these delivery conditions. The pricing and credit information for this customer are used for all related endorsements. Must be defined as a bill-to customer on the Customer Master File.
Required. The customer who will receive goods shipped under these delivery conditions. Must be defined on the Customer Master File.
Required, if displayed. Enter the company corresponding to the bill-to and ship-to customers. This is the company within your overall business entity that does business with the customer. This field is not displayed if Reference File category 133 specifies a base currency level of global. Must exist on Reference File category 002.
Required, if displayed. Enter the location corresponding to the bill-to and ship-to customers. This is the location within your overall business entity that does business with the customer. This field is not displayed if Reference File category 133 specifies a base currency level of global or company. The company/location must exist on Reference File category 002.
Required. Enter one of the options displayed.
Enter - Validates the entered data. If valid, the detail screen is displayed.
F2 - Displays a window where a fast path option or mnemonic can be entered. Fast path allows the next menu selection to be made directly from this screen. When the window is displayed, pressing F3 will remove it.
F3 - Exits this conversation and displays the application menu.
F4 - Displays a list of values for the field where the cursor is positioned. If you select one of the items from the list, it will be returned to the application screen.
F9 - Calls the Delivery Conditions Inquiry Conversation directly. This allows you to view existing conditions and associated detail information. You must return to the maintenance conversation by pressing F3 before you can enter another conversation. The information you type on the current screen will still be displayed because you will not have exited the maintenance conversation.