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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference Library > Distribution > Purchasing > Screens > Purchase Order > PO880S02 - Orders by Vendor List

PO880S02 - Orders by Vendor List



WILLIAMS                        PURCHASING                             3/11/93

 DSP01                    PURCHASE ORDER INQUIRY               ORDERS BY VENDOR


 Vendor   V02          ALLEN INC                                               


 Byr          Order    PO   Ord  Ord  Ack  Total Purchase    Tot   Order       

 Cde Co  Whs  Number   Typ  Sts  Typ  Sts      Amount        Lin   Date     S  

 ABC 001 BEL  PO251    BLK  OPN  WPO  EXP             .00    001  3/10/93      

 BBB 001 BEL  EMB0001  BLK  OPN  WPO  EXP             .00    000  2/04/93      

 EMB 001 BEL  PO250    BLK  OPN  WPO  EXP          738.00    002  3/09/93      












 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=Header           F9=Maintenance    

 F10=Select          F11=Recap                                                 




This screen displays a listing of all the purchase orders for a specific vendor, following the criteria entered on the Function Select screen.  Header information for a specific purchase order can be requested by entering an X in the select field to the right of the desired line and pressing F7-Header.  To display the Purchase Order Inquiry Recap screen for a purchase order, enter an X in the select field and press F11-Recap.  All other fields on the screen are for display only.


Display only.  Indicates the vendor number and name associated with the purchase order list being displayed.


Display only.  Indicates the buyer codes of the purchase orders which met all the selection criteria.  The buyer code specifies who will be responsible for processing the purchase order.  Buyer codes are found on Reference File category 238.


Display only.  Indicates the company/warehouse associated with the purchase order.


Display only.  This field displays all the purchase order numbers which met the inquiry list selection criteria.  In order to select a purchase order for inquiry, enter an X in the Select field.


Display only.  Indicates whether the purchase order is blanket (multiple releases), single (one release), or phantom (outside manufacturing process).  Purchase order type codes are defined on Reference File category 437.


Display only.  Indicates the current status of the purchase order.  Must be either OPN - Open or CLO - Closed.  Purchase order status codes are defined on Reference File category 403.


Display only.  Displays the order type, which indicates the destination of purchased goods.  Purchased goods may be shipped to the warehouse (W) or directly to the customer (D).  Order types are defined on Reference File category 401.


Display only.  This field displays the acknowledgment status which indicates if acknowledgment from the vendor is expected for the purchase order.  Acknowledgment status codes are defined on Reference File category 478.


Display only.  Displays the total amount of the purchase order.


Display only.  Indicates the total number of detail lines associated with the purchase order.


Display only.  This field displays the date that the purchase order was created.


Optional.  Used to select a single purchase order for display using F7-Header or F11-Recap.  If entered, must be X.  Only one X may be entered at a time.


F2    - Display a window where a fast path option or mnemonic can be entered.  Fast path allows the next menu selection to be made directly from this screen.  When the window is displayed, pressing F3 will remove it.

F3    - Exit program without processing request.

F7    - Displays the Purchase Order Inquiry Vendor Header screen (PO880S05) for the selected purchase order.

F9    - Enter the Purchase Order Maintenance program.

F10   - Return to the Function Select screen from a detail screen.

F11   - Displays the Purchase Order Inquiry Recap screen (PO880S06) for the selected purchase order.