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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference Library > Distribution > Order Processing > Screens > Price List > OP230S04 - Price List Copy

OP230S04 - Price List Copy



WILLIAMS                      ORDER PROCESSING                         6/05/94

 DSP01                      PRICE LIST MAINTENANCE                   PRICE COPY





                   From         To                                             

 Price List        SJK01        SJK02                                          

 Currency          USD          YEN                                            


 Copy Start Date     060194                                                    


 Description                    NEW STORE'S IN JAPANESE MKT                    




 Exchange Rate                        1.53                                     





 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F4=Prompt           F9=Inquiry        

 F10=Function Select F15=Rekey Data      F20=Customer Maint  F22=Post Price    



This screen allows you to create a new price list based on an existing price list.  In a multi-currency environment, it also facilitates the currency exchange.  Currency conversions are handled by establishing an exchange rate which automatically increases or decreases the reference price list's base prices when copying them to the new price list.


Required.  Indicates the price list that you wish to use as a reference.  It must be valid on the Price List Master File, but can have any status (active, inactive or deleted).  This is the price list entered on the Function Select screen.


Required.  Indicates the price list that you wish to create.  If you operate in a multi-currency environment and want to create a new version of an existing price list for a different currency, you only need to enter the new currency; the price list will default to be the same as the reference price list.


Required.  Indicates the currency associated with the reference price list.  This is the currency entered on the Function Select screen.  This field is only displayed in a multi-currency environment.


Required.  Indicates the currency associated with the price list you wish to create.  It must exist on the Currency Master File.  This field is only displayed in a multi-currency environment.


Required.  Indicates a horizon date used to limit the number of price list lines that are copied from the reference price list.  Only the price list lines that are effective on or after the specified start date will be copied.


Required.  Indicates a short description of the price list being created.  This description will display whenever the price list code is used on application screens and/or when you press F4 - Prompt on this price list field.  If you leave this field blank, it will default to the same description as the reference price list.


Required (if the value of the From and To Currency fields are not the same).  Indicates the exchange rate used to convert price lists between currencies.  This field is only displayed in multi-currency environments.


Enter - Process the data entered on this screen.

F2    - Display a window where a fast path option or a mnemonic can be entered.  Fast path allows the next menu selection to be made directly from this screen.  When the window is displayed, pressing F3 will remove it.

F3    - Exit program without processing the entered data.

F4    - Display a list of values for the field where the cursor is positioned.  If you select one of the items from the list, it will be returned to the application screen.

F9    - Enter the Price List Inquiry conversation.

F10   - Return to the Function Select screen without processing the entered data.

F15   - Clear all fields that you have just entered in order to enter new data.

F20 - Maintain customer records in the Customer Master Maintenance conversation without leaving this conversation.

F22   - Post the transaction.