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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference Library > Distribution > Order Processing > Key Concepts and Procedures > Pricing/Discount Templates > Template Components

Template Components


Four components effect the way a pricing/discount template is processed:  type of template, key fields, values of the key fields, and the template start date.  These factors influence applicability, qualification requirements, and date eligibility.

Types of Templates

Four template types can be maintained:  price list templates, volume discount templates, header discount templates, or line discount templates.  The type of template, defined on Reference File category G69, determines the template's intended use.  Once template types are defined, you can use the Pricing/Discount Template Relationship Maintenance conversation to tie the template to a price list or discount code.

Key Fields

Pricing/discount templates use key fields to define the target range or scope of the template.  Up to 21 key fields are selected for each template on Reference File category G69.  Once selected, these fields default to the detail screen of the Pricing/Discount Template Relationship Maintenance conversation where you can enter values to determine a target set for your template.

The values defined for each of the key fields determine the actual target set of the template.  In order to qualify for the template, the order characteristics must match the key field values exactly.  Therefore, if you leave a key field blank, this template will only apply to orders with a matching (i.e., blank) value.  For example, if you specify Selling Company and Selling Location as key fields and then specify the values of those fields to be CO1 and LC1, any order taken from company CO1 or location LC1 will qualify for the template.

Below is the list of 21 key fields that can be selected for each template.  Remember that key fields are selected by entering a 'Y' for each associated code on Reference File category G69.  Depending on the codes you select, the associated key fields will default to the Pricing/Discount Template Relationship Maintenance Detail screen where they will have the following validation requirements:



Key Field

Validated Against


Selling Company

Reference File category 002


Selling Location

(together with company),
Reference File category 002


Order Class

Reference File category D36


Customer Class

Reference File category 310


Salesperson 1 (Header)

Reference File category 315


Salesperson 2 (Header)

Reference File category 315


Sales Territory

Reference File category 316


Bill-to Customer

Customer Master File


Ship-to Customer

Customer Master File


Ordered-by Customer

Customer Master File


Customer Type

Reference File category 311


Corporate Customer

Customer Master File


User-defined Discount 1 (Header)

No validation


User-defined Discount 2 (Header)

No validation


Price Group

Reference File category G68


Product Class

Reference File category 426


Part Number

Part Master File


Salesperson 1 (Line)

Reference File category 315


Salesperson 2 (Line)

Reference File category 315


User-defined Discount 1 (Line)

No validation


User-defined Discount 2 (Line)

No validation


Note:    Fields 15 - 21 are line-level fields and are only used for price list and line discount templates (not header or volume discount templates).  If you select these fields on category G69 and they are not allowed for the specified template type, the system will display an error.

Multiple Versions

To maximize flexibility, you can establish multiple relationships (target sets) for one template.  Creating multiple versions of the same template allows you to capture specific order characteristics and therefore exercise a very high-level of control when determining which combination of conditions will trigger which specific pricing/discount template.

This is done by creating multiple variations for the values of the template's key fields where each set of key field values are associated with a different version of the template.  For example, if you have a line discount template (LN001) which has one key field (Region) and you want to apply a different percentage for different regions within your sales territory, the code LN001 0001 can establish a discount amount for region 1 and LN001 0002 can maintain a separate discount amount for region 2.  In this case, the specific template information is stored with different versions of the same template—which you can then maintain separately.

Effectivity Dates

The template start date determines the templates eligibility.  You can have multiple variations of a template, but only one, open-ended start date.  To be eligible for template pricing or discounting, the order's pricing date must be greater than or equal to the template start date.  Volume and header discount templates use the header-level pricing date to determine eligibility; price list and line discount templates use the line-level pricing date.