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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference Library > Distribution > Electronic Data Interchange > Key Concepts and Procedures > Performing Initial Data Setup > Maintaining Vendor Data

Maintaining Vendor Data


Vendor data is maintained in the Electronic Data Interchange application using the Vendor Master Maintenance conversation.  The actual programs, however, are part of the Common Features module and therefore procedures for performing Vendor Master Maintenance can be found in the Common Features User Manual.

Certain fields in the Vendor Master Maintenance conversation are critical when defining vendors for the EDI Purchase Order Acknowledgment and EDI Receipt programs.  Specific considerations related to EDI are highlighted below:

External Information





External Company/ Warehouse

EDI Information

The external company/warehouse is used to find the system vendor by using data sent from another location.  This field is what the vendor uses to identify the company/warehouse that they want to process the purchase order.

External Bill-to Customer

EDI Information

The external bill-to customer is used to find the system vendor by using data sent from another location

External Ship-to Customer

EDI Information

The external ship-to customer is used to find the system vendor by using data sent from another location


Note:    All external information has a dual use.  It is passed with EDI transaction data to identify information that the vendor uses for their transactions.  On your MAC-PAC system these fields are used to represent information about you that is held on the vendor's system.  Because it is actually the vendor's data, it is not validated on your system.  This same information on the vendor's system is used to identify you (their customer).  By passing one set of data it allows you to know how the vendor refers to you and thus keeps the data used between the two entities consistent.  Identification of both trading partners is mandatory.